'WHAT' 카테고리의 다른 글

크롬 컴파일  (0) 2019.03.29
[ref] Curve cryptosystem parameters  (0) 2016.10.04
pwn-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.14
chal_rpc-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
ask_grandpapa-coding [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
Posted by goldpapa

크롬 컴파일

WHAT 2019. 3. 29. 23:36

크롬 컴파일

크롬 버전 확인

크롬 패치 확인

chrome github commit + chrome v8 engine version

DEPOT 툴 설치

git clone
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools

소스 다운로드, 체크아웃

mkdir ~/v8
cd ~/v8
fetch v8
cd v8
git checkout -b 1a1a1a1a1a
* 1a1a1a1a1a 는 크로미움의 버전이 아니라 v8의 커밋 버전임(주의)
* 크로미움 버전 : 63.0.3239
* (Linux, macOS, and Windows)    Blink 537.36    
* v8 버전 : 6.3.292

디펜던시 설치

cd ~/v8/v8 && ./build/
gclient sync

컴파일 환경 설정

tools/dev/ list
tools/dev/ ia32.release


ninja -C out/x64.release : 전체 빌드 약 1300개
ninja -C out/x64.release d8 : d8만 빌드 약 900개, 대략 1시간 소요
root@0df6d19cd3c1:/hack/v8/v8# tools/dev/ x64.debug
root@0df6d19cd3c1:/hack/v8/v8# ninja -C
ninja: Entering directory `'
[15/1390] CXX obj/simple_fuzzer/fuzzer.o^C
ninja: build stopped: interrupted by user.
root@0df6d19cd3c1:/hack/v8/v8# ninja -C d8
ninja: Entering directory `'
[21/966] CXX obj/v8_libplatform/trace-config.o

'WHAT' 카테고리의 다른 글

vmware tool 수동 설치 ubuntu server 18.04  (0) 2019.03.29
[ref] Curve cryptosystem parameters  (0) 2016.10.04
pwn-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.14
chal_rpc-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
ask_grandpapa-coding [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
Posted by goldpapa
, 에서 발췌

4 Doing useful ECC operations

4.1 Curve cryptosystem parameters

In order to turn all these mathematical basics into a cryptosystem, some parameters have to be defined that are sufficient to do meaningful operations. There are 6 distinct values for the Fp case and they comprise the so-called "domain parameters":

  1. p: The prime number which defines the field in which the curve operates, Fp. All point operations are taken modulo p.
  2. a, b: The two coefficients which define the curve. These are integers.
  3. G: The generator or base point. A distinct point of the curve which resembles the "start" of the curve. This is either given in point form G or as two separate integers gx and gy
  4. n: The order of the curve generator point G. This is, in layman's terms, the number of different points on the curve which can be gained by multiplying a scalar with G. For most operations this value is not needed, but for digital signing using ECDSA the operations are congruent modulo n, not p.
  5. h: The cofactor of the curve. It is the quotient of the number of curve-points, or #E(Fp), divided by n.

4.2 Generating a keypair

Generating a keypair for ECC is trivial. To get the private key, choose a random integer dA, so that

latex:0 \lt d_A \lt n

Then getting the accompanying public key QA is equally trivial, you just have to use scalar point multiplication of the private key with the generator point G:

latex:Q_A = d_A \* G

Note that the public and private key are not equally exchangeable (like in RSA, where both are integers): the private key dA is a integer, but the public key QA is a point on the curve.

'WHAT' 카테고리의 다른 글

vmware tool 수동 설치 ubuntu server 18.04  (0) 2019.03.29
크롬 컴파일  (0) 2019.03.29
pwn-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.14
chal_rpc-pwnable [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
ask_grandpapa-coding [ringzer0team]  (0) 2015.06.11
Posted by goldpapa

pwn-pwnable [ringzer0team]

2015. 6. 14. 00:38

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chal_rpc-pwnable [ringzer0team]

2015. 6. 11. 23:05

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300_contact [tongbo]

2015. 6. 8. 00:09

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내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

100_hello [tongbo]

2015. 6. 7. 23:57

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