ROPgadget Tool
"Capstone 여기가 의심되는 경우는 apt-get install capstone --upgrade 를 실시해봄 ""
ROPgadget Tool
This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF/PE/Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC and MIPS architectures. Since the version 5, ROPgadget has a new core which is written in Python using Capstone disassembly framework for the gadgets search engine - The older version can be found in the Archives directory but it will not be maintained.
If you want to use ROPgadget, you have to install Capstone first.
For the Capstone's installation on nix machine:
$ sudo pip install capstone
Capstone supports multi-platforms (windows, ios, android, cygwin...). For the cross-compilation, please refer to the file.
After Capstone is installed, ROPgadget can be used as a standalone tool:
Or installed into the Python site-packages library, and executed from $PATH.
$ python install
$ ROPgadget
Or installed from PyPi
$ pip install ropgadget
$ ROPgadget